Friday, February 26, 2010


DOS is a disk operating system

Booting is to run DOS

DOS is text based.

To communicate with DOS, the screen has a prompt where you enter a text.

Case insensitive means that..... An example would be...
means you can put any word you want and it dont have to be uppercase or lower case

4 useful things to learn about DOS.
SET PATH=________________________________________________
? in a file name means takes you what you put your file name as
* in a file name means a wildcard that takes you anywhere that has your file name
. in a directory path stands for goes to that certain file

7 very useful DOS commands. Explain each.
A:floppy disk
C:change current directory- hard disk
MD:make new directory
CD:change directory
COPY:copy file

DOS organizes disks by file, directory and disk drive structure

Three requirements that must be met for a file to be named include 1-8 letter name, period, 3 letter extension

In DOS directories named by root, directory, subdirectories

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Emotion is feelings that you have

Emoticon are like faces that you make

10 examples of emoticons, :)happy, :(sad, :-)happy with nose, :-(sad with nose, ;-)winking, :-Qsilly, D= horror, :O surpise, :B buck teeth, o/\o high five.

Acronym is a short version of the whole word

10 appropriate examples of texting/IMing acronyms, 4 four, 8 eight, B4 before, LOL laugh out loud, AFALK as far as I know, D8 date, L8 late, Y why, R are, U you

AUP is acceptable user policy

AUP is used at Glenvar when we had to sign a piece of paper that said,if we do anything bad or go on a inappropriate website on the laptop they have the right of taking your laptop away.

5 rules why they would be important, so wouldn't get in trouble,
How could an AUP policy be put in place at a job?
Why are AUP's necessary?
If you were the boss of a large company where each employee had their own computer and access to Internet, what rules and regulations would you have?

Staying Civil Online
Give 5 rules for Internet etiquette.
Read "Staying Civil Online" from page 287 in your textbook.
Summarize the article and list the 7 "netiquettes" it lists.
Explain those 7 netiquettes and your personal thoughts on each.
Do you think that netiquette is important? Why or why not?

Monday, October 19, 2009

allows you to access programs and data at eh same time, allows users to share peripheral devices, make personal communications easier, make it easy for users and administrators to back up imortant data files:

LAN's are just one wire hooked up, WAN's are two wires hooked up:

ring, star, bus\

read-only, read/write,site licenses, network versions:

client/server networks processes the storage workload with a central server, peer to peer has equal relationships

post 3

allows you to access programs and data at the same time, allows you to share peripheral devices, make personal communication easier, make it easy for users and adminstrators to back up important dats files:

LAN's are just one wire pluged up to the network, WAN's are when there are two or more wires are hooked up:


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


JODIE HOANG was convicted of mortgage corporation clerk fraud. she has to pay a $250,000 fine and an $100 special assessment.

Friday, October 9, 2009

purpose of a blog are ther pros and cons and they are,

pros are you can make any kind of website you want. the cons are that maybe you put your info on their and someone can get it. yes and no because of what i said before. i really know